
Friday, January 18, 2019

Easy to Cook Chicken Curry

For me, the real test of being a mother is to prepare and cook meals for the family. What more if you are a stay at home mom? You will do all the household chores, even if you don't know anything, you will learn eventually.

Cooking seems to be a great hobby and skills that everyone should learn. Thanks to bloggers and vloggers out there who shares their passion for cooking. A lot of recipes you want to learn is just a click away. Just search, read then watch some of their videos. And so I did.
A few weeks ago, I tried cooking the Chicken Curry.
Been fed up of crispy fried chicken, tinola, adobo, and asado - common Filipino dishes.
My kids should know that chicken has other taste aside from their usual fried chicken.
I make sure to make them taste my new recipe. I am so happy that they told me, masarap (delicious). They ate what I served them at that time.

The ingredients were not complete but it turned out fine. I did not have laurel leaves and bell pepper but still delicious.

So I will share with you my version of Chicken Curry.

Here are the Ingredients:

1/2 kilo of chicken
2-3 tablespoon curry powder
1 sachet coconut milk powder or in can
black pepper
salt/ other seasonings (magic sarap)
1 large carrot
1 large potato
1 bell pepper (optional)

1. Peel and cut the carrot and potato. Fry them and set aside.
2. Cut the chicken into a bite-size, wash, seasoned with magic sarap or other seasoning and then fry.
3. Sautee garlic and onion. Add the chicken, stir and let absorb the taste of garlic and onion.
4. Add curry powder, pepper, bell pepper. Add a little water and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Finally add the potato, carrot, and coconut milk powder (dissolve in a half cup of water) or coconut milk in a can. Add some more seasoning according to your taste. Continue to simmer until the sauce thickens. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.

This mildly spicy Asian-inspired dish is a great way to spruce up a boring meal. Try it at home. Super easy and yummy.

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