
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Top 5 Favorite Activity Ideas for Kids

As a stay at home mom, you can do all things with your kids. Anything that you can bear in mind with or without involving money, you can have fun as you please. Working moms can also do activities with their kids when they're off to work. It does not need to be expensive like going to the malls, going out of town, or outside the country. It's just our home that we can do activities that our kids will be entertained and make a great connection with us without spending much. The thought that kids must do something when getting bored at home should involve physical, emotional, and spiritual gesture. It will absolutely refresh their minds and learning is eternally fun.

Doing activities with our little ones especially this rainy season is a remarkable moment that they'll always reminisce about when they were growing up. Here are some of the ideas you will love to do with your kids.

1. Drawing and Coloring. This activity will enhance and show the artistic side of both of you and your child. Let them show their creativity and their love for colors. It's one way of practicing. Talent won't recognize when kids are mostly into gadgets. It is said to be one of the simplest and most efficient means of communicating visual ideas that your kids have.

2. Writing. When kids are growing up, they learn a lot from their surroundings. This activity is not all about tracing, ABC, or 123. You can ask them to write a prayer for themselves (if they already know how to write) a certain situation or for the family. Ask them to write poems, wishes, what or how they feel, or anything you think your kids will use their minds. Doctors said that you will know a child is smart when they can think thoroughly, ideas come out when you ask them complicated questions. It's not being smart when they know how to write, read, and differentiate colors, they called it memorizing. So start to ask them to write anything and everything to know what your kid's level of understanding. Read them aloud and explain.

3. Hide and seek. It was such a fun game for children to hide and look for the players who set up artificial and natural hideouts. You can do it not just inside your home but also in some open-air like the playground or in the backyard. This game is also played by other countries. One player will be called "it", will face the wall, start counting while other players will hide. The "it" player will locate all hiding. Whoever touches the base first will win the game while the first touched or tagged hide by the seeker will be the next "it" player. You can offer your kids a reward when they win the game.

4. Baking. Teach your child to cook or bake something they want to eat. So that they will know how to prepare their food. Do create fabulous pieces of decorative baked goods, kids will be excited to eat that art you both did. It does not happen often, so take the opportunity of baking with kids when it strikes. Or it can be a hobby together every weekend when they're off to school.

5. Biking. When you're all bored inside at your home, biking outside can be a fun bonding with your kids. "Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike", by John F. Kennedy. Yeah, so true. Feels like you're free to go somewhere. Take your kid for a ride on the bicycle and have a good time going around the neighborhood. 


  1. I'm a stay at home mom too! This morning my toddler helped me make waffles! These are great ideas, I'm looking forward to her being old enough to ride a bike. :-)

    1. I tell you riding a bike is one of my favorite. My kids love it so much..

  2. Thanks for sharing. These activities may seem small but they go a long way in strengthening the bond with your kids. These are things they enjoy doing, you doing it with them makes them even happier.

    1. Thanks for dropping by. It's a simple activities yet enjoyable.

  3. Yes, I lovee to cycle! My parents have always taken me biking from a young age and really gotten me into it! xx


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